Materials>>KBr>>KBr windows catalog

Potassium bromide (KBr) windows catalog. IR KBr drilled windows for FTIR.

Welcome to our KBr windows catalog. We produce custom sizes KBr windows according to your specifications. Moisture protective coating can be applied on all KBr windows. Also we are experts in KBr beamsplitters.

Drilled KBr windows

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Potassium Bromide (KBr) is a material commonly used in FTIR spectroscopy. We have long experience of supplying the KBr windows of standard (catalogue) sizes for the commonly used instruments from Perkin Elmer, Nicolette, Bruker Optics, Pike, etc. Most popular drilled KBr windows such as KBr 32x3mm (demountable cell windows) for spectroscopy are in our product line. They fit to most accessories and cell holders

Cat# Dia, in Dia, mm TH, in TH, mm
KB-W-12.7x2 0.5 12.7 0.079 2.0
KB-W-12.7x3 0.5 12.7 0.079 3.0
KBr-W-13x2 0.512 13 0.079 2.0
KB-W-25.4x2 1 25.4 0.079 2.0
KB-W-25.4x3 1 25.4 0.118 3.0
KB-W-25.4x4 1 25.4 0.157 4.0
KB-W-25.4x5 1 25.4 0.197 5.0
KB-W-25.4x6 1 25.4 0.236 6.0
KBr-W-32x3 (drilled & undrilled)* 1.26 32 0.118 3.0
KB-W-38.1x3 1.5 38.1 0.118 3.0
KB-W-38.1x4 1.5 38.1 0.157 4.0
KB-W-38.1x5 1.5 38.1 0.197 5.0
KB-W-38.1x6 1.5 38.1 0.236 6.0
KBr-W-41x3 1.614 41.0 0.118 3.0
KB-W-49x6 1.929 49 0.236 6.0
KB-W-50.8x4 2 50.8 0.157 4.0
KB-W-50.8x5 2 50.8 0.197 5.0
KB-W-50.8x6 2 50.8 0.236 6.0
KB-W-63.5x6 2.5 63.5 0.236 6.0
KB-W-63.5x8 2.5 63.5 0.315 8.0
KB-W-76.2x8 3 76.2 0.315 8.0
KB-W-76.2x12 3 76.2 0.472 12.0
KB-W-95x35 3.74 95.0 1.378 35
KB-W-101.6x12 4 101.6 0.5 12.7
KB-W-101.6x15 4 101.6 0.591 15.0
Custom KBr windows up to 100mm diameter are available upon request.
* - minimal order for drilled KBr windows - 10pcs

KBr Rectangles, minimal order for drilled windows - 10pcs
Length x Width x Thickness
25 x 12 x 2 mm
25 x 25 x 4 mm
29.5 x 14.5 x 2 mm
29.5 x 14.5 x 2 mm drilled
29.5 x 14.5 x 4 mm
29.5 x 14.5 x 4 mm drilled
38.5 x 19.5 x 2 mm
38.5 x 19.5 x 2 mm drilled
38.5 x 19.5 x 4 mm
38.5 x 19.5 x 4 mm drilled
41 x 23 x 3 mm
41 x 23 x 3 mm drilled
41 x 23 x 6 mm
41 x 23 x 6 mm drilled
45 x 20 x 6 mm
45 x 20 x 6 mm drilled
50 x 25 x 6 mm
50 x 25 x 6 mm drilled

KBr windows: Standard Specifications
Material KBr optical grade
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm
Thickness ± 0.10mm
Surfaces 80/50 or 60/40
Edges Fine Ground
Flatness By request
Parallelism ≤ 3 Arc mins