Materials>>Germanium>>Germanium windows catalog

Germanium windows catalog

Germanium windows

Please contact our sales team for your custom Germanium window price! We offer very competitive price on Germanium windows and Germanium wedges. Check now! If you do not see a suitable size, write a request, we will make a window according to your specifications at no additional cost. Metric and US sizes are available.

Item Cat# Dia, in Dia, mm Th, in Th, mm
Germanium window GE-W-6.35-0.5 0.25 6.35 0.019 0.5
Germanium window GE-W-10-1 0.39 10 0.039 1.0
Germanium window GE-W-12.7-1 0.5 12.7 0.039 1.0
Germanium window GE-W-12.7-2 0.5 12.7 0.079 2.0
Germanium window GE-W-13x2 13 2.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.0-1 0.98 25.0 0.039 1.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-1 1 25.4 0.039 1.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-2 1 25.4 0.079 2.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-3 1 25.4 0.118 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-4 1 25.4 0.157 4.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-5 1 25.4 0.197 5.0
Germanium window GE-W-25.4-6 1 25.4 0.236 6.0
Germanium window GE-W-32x3 32 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-38.1-1 1.5 38.1 0.039 1.0
Germanium window (DLC/AR) GE-W-38.1-3 1.5 38.1 0.118 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-38.1-4 1.5 38.1 0.157 4.0
Germanium window GE-W-38.1-5 1.5 38.1 0.197 5.0
Germanium window GE-W-38.1-6 1.5 38.1 0.236 6.0
Germanium window GE-W-50.8-1 2 50.8 0.039 1.0
Germanium window GE-W-50.8-3 2 50.8 0.118 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-50.8-4 2 50.8 0.157 4.0
Germanium window GE-W-50.8-5 2 50.8 0.197 5.0
Germanium window GE-W-50.8-6 2 50.8 0.236 6.0
Germanium window (DLC/AR) GE-W-58-2 2.28 58 0.079 2.0
Germanium window GE-W-63.5-3 2.5 63.5 0.118 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-63.5-6 2.5 63.5 0.236 6.0
Germanium window GE-W-76.2-3 3.0 76.2 0.118 3.0
Germanium window GE-W-76.2-6 3.0 76.2 0.236 6.0
Germanium window Ge-W-101.6-8 4.0 101.6 0.315 8.0
Germanium windows GE-W-140-10 5.5 140 0.39 10
Germanium windows GE-W-152.4-10 6 152.4 0.39 10
Germanium window G-W-165-8 6.5 165 0.314 8
Germanium window Ge-W-170-5 6.69 170 0.197 5
Germanium window Ge-W-200-7 7.87 200 0.275 7.0
Custom rectangular germanium windows are available upon request.
Ge windows with yellow mark are available on stock and can be shipped within 1-2 weeks. Ask now.

Germanium windows standard specifications:
Germanium monocrystal optical grade
Resistivity: 5-40 Ohm*cm
Diameter tolerance: +0/-0.1mm;
Thickness tolerance: +/-0.1mm;
Clear Aperture: 90%;
Parallelism: 3 arc min;
Flatness: 1/10 wave at 10.6 microns
Surface finish: S/D 60/40

Custom Germanium windows (round, square, wedges) are available upon request. High Precision Germanium windows: We can provide Germanium windows with S/D 20/10; Flatness 0.25 waves at 633 and parallelism up to 10 arc. sec.

See also: Germanium Lenses; Thermal Imaging Lenses